
Showing posts from April, 2010


iT WAS April 17, people in the City flock to the beach party or to The Terraces for Stonebridgebut i found myself in the no of Minglanilla. Enjoying the company of great friends and men! hahaha Lucky girls and bakla weeeee. Happy bday Engel and paolo and Paolo's baby.. Congrats kiss!

reunion with Sunstar girls

a night wherewe come together to bid good be to our friend Shelly heading for Louisiana and the other one to Lexington Kentucky. well seeing them around made me miss the days bt we have to move on and make great dreams bigger and brighter to Emily, Kat, Shelly and Jello... to friendship:)

The Space i filled with love and laughter

unexpected, sporadic plans to a place ive once encountered goodwill. Camotes, i have been yet to discover more and yes, i followed thru the local and observed their eloquence on guest and hospitality. i have come to enjoy even jst for two days with friends from FORMO aheadof the scheduled holy weekend. giving myself doze of good vibes, good people and love. hahhahaha, funny how i eloped with camotes and the scenery it has. It offers a mysterious, torrid eye catching lake, foliage, scenic horizon and abundance of goodwill from the people I encountered and acquainted with.